Take Time To Give
Every year the Louisiana FOP donates money and time to benefit numerous charities, groups and organizations throughout Louisiana.
To help us better serve you and our community we share, please feel free to join our mission by participating in any of our events or donating toward our cause.

Easter Seals
"Easter Seals has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, and their families, live better lives for nearly 100 years. From child development centers to physical rehabilitation and job training for people with disabilities, Easter Seals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address life's challenges and achieve personal goals."

Torch Run
"The mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) for Special Olympics is to increase awareness and raise funds for the Special Olympics movement. Each year, the LETR initiative grows bigger and better."

FOP Foundation
"The Fraternal Order of Police is the world's largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 330,000 members. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities."

National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial Fund (NLEOMF)
"The mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) "The mission of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is to generate increased public support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording and appropriately commemorating the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers; and to provide information that will help promote law enforcement safety."for Special Olympics is to increase awareness and raise funds for the Special Olympics movement. Each year, the LETR initiative grows bigger and better."

9-99 Foundation
"The National 9-99 Police and Sheriff Foundation raises funds for injured or fallen officers and their families, invests in K9 safety and training, and provides counseling and mental health resources to all officers in need."

Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP)
"When a police officer is killed, it's not an agency that loses an officer, it's an entire nation."